Friday, November 13, 2009

How Dreams Become Realities.......

Hey everyone. It has surely been a while since my last post. I apologize for that, but things in the world of MARS has been very busy. Busy, in a good way. Lets dive into it!

Bedroom. I have been remodeling my daughters bedroom upstairs in our house for..... a "few" months now. Its really stressful on my wife, though she understands that 2 evenings at the most a week, is hard for one man to get done (even if I get help from a 6th grader occassionally). I think that the room will be wonderful for my girls. I am realizing that I could honestly spend hours in LOWES and I could gut out my entire house. I think my inner "man" has come out. There is just something about building stuff that makes me want to grunt like Tim, the tool man Taylor.
Work. We are moving cars. It has been a good few months. A couple headaches, but we get through. October was my best month ever. I sold over 20 cars. It felt good, and I think I am getting the hang of it. I have also tried to get out in the garage more. Jay, who has worked on cars for 30 years here works everyday. If I want to learn something I dont have to go far. If he doesnt know how to fix it, he WILL figure it out. Really good mechanic. I am learning alot more about what sounds mean in a car. Its very cool.

Disciple 6. Most of you all know my stories of D6, and some are a part of the team. I recently "met" a guy from down under who is interested in doing colour, and ink for the book. This guy is a great artist, and very talented. With Andy doing the pencils, and this guy Matt cleaning things up, it is all falling into place. its a thing of beauty. Words can't describe how good everything with this project feels. I can honestly say I can feel the prayers, and thoughts of my friends and family. There are so many people in my corner on this project. All I can really say is thank you, and i really appreciate the thoughts and prayers. I will leave you now with VISUAL evidence of this amazing trip we are on with Disciple 6.
This is a random sketch I did years ago of Vionne. A much different interpretation from B.W.
One of Andy's first sketches of Robertson Ward. With some adjustments, he nailed Vionne.Some inking and cleaning Baker did, this sketch was becoming completeMatt Bakers coloring is breath-taking. This is one of the main reasons why I approached him. His work is unbelievable. Now, what began as a sketch, I can see standing next to Spidey and Sups. To see something born in a thought, and end up looking like this, even before, if this ever does get published, its just really really fufilling for me right now. to check out Andy's stuff
Next post will be titled "Photo Album" You will get to see the kids I call my own.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Submission Synopsis

Hey friends and family, just thought I would share with you the synopsis letter that I have to send in to the comic book company, along with 7 finished pages. It just might help you get to know the story I have been working on a little bit better. I am also in the process of building a website for Disciple 6 (being done by homebrewer himself, and fellow 01 graduate Matt Michielsen)

Here it is. It has to be under one page long. Let me know what you think!


Imagine living your life, searching for a purpose, a meaning to it all, only to discover that in death you will finally achieve that purpose. Disciple 6 tells the tale of six such individuals from many different paths. Living lives of faith and compassion only to have them horrifically ripped away. Yet they have been selected and given a choice: continue to heaven, or return with a gift that could change the world. Long ago a being known only as the scribe, trusted guardian of The Domicle Archives (the physical records of all names marked for heaven and hell), was charged with forming a team to prepare for the coming wars. Throughout time he has set apart those worthy to serve.
First there was Zacheaus, or Z [code name: Rook], a man from biblical times whose life and death remain a mystery to even those closes to him. Next came Robert Ward [code name: Vionne], the group’s field leader, a knight of medieval times stabbed from behind by his own power hungry cousin. Then there was Anthony Childress [code name: Hazard], a strong yet gentle man who grew up as a slave on an early plantation, whose throat was cut after attempting to escape to freedom. Moving ahead to Abel Kissinger [code name: Cordite], a young art teacher, is chosen after saving a young girl from a fire. Then came the 5th member, a unique man named Leonard Maddox [code name: Griffith]. Born into this world as an anomaly, Leonard possesses large tan wings, and the feet of a lion. He is captured by a group of mysterious men; he simply calls The White Suits. Leonard later signs on with the team and awaits the arrival of the sixth member, and instructions as to their role in coming events.
This is where Patience or Passion, the first story arc begins. Leonard, restless struggles with waiting for the next member. He often takes his anger out on the evil that lurks in the city’s dark places. On numerous occasions, against Z’s instructions Leonard leaves the safety of The Sanctuary, a rundown church that serves as the team’s base of operations, in order to fight crime.
When it is announced that billion-dollar corporation DOZTECH INDUSTRIES is set to begin production on project: Cypacor, robotic policing units for the city. Christopher Dozman, younger brother to DOZTECH owner Mitchell, has plans on using these Robots for his own twisted will. Christopher has been in and out of the insane ward, honing in his abilities to control minds.
With the pending arrival of sixth member, a raped and murdered medical student named Grace Chambers [code name: Remedy], the team embarks on an intelligence mission following the Doztech company. While out near a Doztech warehouse Leonard spots men in white suits. Fueled by anger from his past, Leonard blindly follows them against orders. He falls into a trap that leads to the removal of his feet, and one of his wings. Before the removal of the second wing, the guys save him, and get him back to base, right in time for the 6th, Remedy, with her gift of healing, to help our broken friend.
Disciple 6 is sure to leave fans of traditional comic art, team dynamics, complex characters, and exciting story lines begging for more. Though the religious overtones are prevalent and important to the authors, this is by no means a tale written only for religious thinkers. Nor should it be marketed that way. This is a story of faith – faith in a higher calling, faith in our own abilities and beliefs, and faith in each other. “God” is not a character in these stories, only The Scribe who acts on His behalf. If Hellboy, Spawn, Ghost Rider, and Johnny Constantine can exist in the comic realm, why not a team such as this? I am confident people will find these stories of struggles compelling, even if it happens to be the “good” supernatural being giving out all the cool powers!
Disciple 6 is a creation of Matthew A. Rodriguez, with illustrations by Andrew Budnick. The entire 5 issue miniseries has been outlined and the opening act of issue one: An Ordinary Knight has been included in this submission. Thank you very much for this opportunity, and if you are looking for a comic that is authentic, and tells new and engaging stories, look no further. Welcome to the world of Disciple 6.

Friday, August 28, 2009


As we get closer to a submission to Image Comics, I keep getting blown away by the artist that has partnered up with me on this project. Andy Budnick has been getting deeper and deeper into each character. I wanted to share with my friends and family a picture of Griffith that Andy did recently. I tried to ink it myself, so i do apologize ahead of time, I will post the drawing, and the inked. (the inking done by a professional would rock, and i think Andy still needs to do detail on the left arm)

The first 7 pages that we are sending to the comic book company are being work on right now. I am finishing with the synopsis letter, and the script for the first issue. I will post some of that as we get closer. Just a tease now of Griffith!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Moving in the Right Direction

Just thought I would update a bit on the current projects I am working on. It has been a while since mentioning fully, but since this is titled "ideas's" from mars, I thought that maybe an update is in order.

The World Within My Walls.

Geoff is currently plugging away with re-writes. Several months ago we had put the book aside after finishing it and basically took a break to think about other things. I dabbled with my other child "Disciple 6" for a bit, as he continued to work on some things also. Now more recently (a month or 2 ago) we dove back in, with a fresh outlook, and new thoughts and ideas on things. It has been amazing again since then. Everything seems to be falling into place, things we once questioned have been changed for the better, or small parts have been added to make the story more fluid. I can't wait to see what Geoff has been doing, and slowly but surely The World Within My Walls seems to be writing itself...... and that's a good thing.

Disciple 6.

Andrew Budnick recently graduated from Kendal. with his newly found art degree in hand (not literally) we met for the first time at Panara Bread. He seemed like a nice kid, really eager to learn about the story, or if he could have the job of being the artist. He brought several pencils he had done, including some finished work. It was very well done, schooled, and I could see the raw talent, with obvious schooled applications. It didn't stop there. I wanted to get to know him a bit more. I mean, no one really likes working with people they don't get along with right? His love for superheroes was an obvious, and his dream of someday penciling a Wolverine book is encouraging. But when he muttered some words about Masters of the Universe Classics...... That's when I was sold. (for those who don't know MOTUC is the new toy line for collectors of He-Man figures) I thought, I could definitely work with this kid! I mean, have you ever met someone who was a He-Man freak who wasn't genuinely a great guy?!?! (ahem....)

so, as much as I am an "ok" artist...... The Rook went from......

to ........

So, as you can see I am very impressed. You can check out his blog and some of his other work at

Seriously though, seeing my creations take form like this. Seeing his interpretation of my ideas, and characters has been amazing this past couple of weeks. Soon submissions to the comic book publishing company, and who knows, maybe you will see our book get published. I am currently writing Issue 2 titled "Amazing Grace". If you want to read any more about the actual outline, it can be found in last years December blog.

So there you have it. Slowly but surely my hobby and love is turning into so much more. Thanks to Geoff, and now Andy.

PS. Its my fathers birthday today. He is 66. I couldn't have asked for a better father.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

McKinley Ave.

So, things are going pretty good in the Rodriguez' household. Ella is becoming such a good helper. She lets the dog out for us, and helps with the little one. She really loves being the big sister. Sophia is occasionally making her naked butt all the way to the bathroom to go pee. She gets really excited to go potty and pulls off whatever clothes she can. Ella never had the "run around naked and laugh" stage. Sophia Grey is apparently going to. She has a couple more teeth that are coming in so those were bothering her last night. Little Levi Drake is crying less and less at night giving Rachel a little more time to sleep. His little gentleman personality is showing more and more each day. Rachel is walking around in her new shoes :) and is back in the swing of things called JC PENNY. Her new clippers work "amazing" she tells me. As for me, things are going well, I am a bit tired, but its my own fault. I have a new love.... Its called, "Supernatural" a tv show my friend B turned me on to. It has that undeniable quality called the "hardy boy factor" that I really love. The brotherly banter, and the mystery is all I need. Basketball also starts tomorrow. Every Wednesday night Taylor, my brother in-law and I will take our NBA skills to the local Holland Civic Center, and prove to the rest of the city...."we got game" My comic book titled Disciple 6 is coming along very very smoothly. Andy Budnick, a local Kendall graduate has taken the reigns on the art for it, and I have been more than pleased with what he has come up with. I will be posting some sketches he has done, along with logo art, and title work that we may or may not use. But overall, his vision for the project, along with Geoff's script for it seem to be meshing as well as it could. I have always felt confident in my creations, but this comic is building up to be something great.

That is what is going on lately on McKinley Ave. The Rodriguez family is living, loving, and having as much fun as possible. Now the ten:

10. Kobe should never push out his jaw
9. The timing belt/water pump myth is getting annoying
8. Marriage is easy, if you are married to the right person
7. LeBron James is a child in a mans body. I have very little respect for him
6. Marv continues to sell more cars than the people that work for the company.
5. I should pray more than I do
4. Money is necessary. But I will never love it.
3. Owning a home is fun, there is always something to do. (tired face)
2. I haven't spent money on toys in a very long time. this is a good thing.
1. Hungry Howies has the best meatlovers pizza I have ever had. They also have, by far, the worst pizza EVER to re-heat. Its disgusting

Thursday, May 7, 2009

ReFresh Button: Sigh

Isn't it weird sometimes how life is.

One day we could feel like complete trash. Nothing going for us, or nothing to live for, down and out.

The next day we could be on top of the world and in complete satisfaction in what is happening in life.

The differences between day one and day two were absolutely NOTHING.

It was all about outlook.

I sort of laugh at days that I am down and out. They really mean nothing to me, and I shouldn't give them any more thought than, just to get past. I try and focus on all that I have, and all I have been blessed with. Those are the things that are CONSTANT. Family. Kids. Home. Dreams. God. Those are the things that do not change between day to day.

I see people sometimes have a "negative" outlook or attitude. Man is that annoying. Seriously. Its like they have a "bone to pick" with LIFE. The justified person that sees life as half empty. I do not need any of that. I love my life. (and I do admit, i have it easier than some) But I was never one to "scrooge" my way through the day.

I am very tired today. My eyes feel heavy (though not as heavy as my wife's as she feeds our son in the middle of the night) But for some odd reason, I feel very refreshed. Like someone was sitting at the computer, My LIFEPAGE is on their screen, and they just pressed the refresh button at the top of the page.

This stripped everything back to blank. and put everything back up. Background. Titles. Images. text. Like you could see everything that got you where you are. every piece of your life.

Obviously I didn't think or see everything, but I encourage you to think about this. Think about why you are standing, or sitting where you are. and how you got there. What paths you took. think about all the great things that led you to NOW.

I hope most of you smile.

Because you are currently LIVING LIFE. And if you are busy frowning, reflect. pray. and try hitting the refresh button.

take a deep breath.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Dragon Has Arrived

Greetings family and friends. Last night Rachel and I decided to go to the hospital. About 3:46 in the morning Levi Drake came into the world.

So it has already been a great day for the Rodriguez family. Levi says hello and he can't wait to meet you.

Ella Shay and Sophia Grey were very excited to meet their little brother Levi Drake today. Sophia was very interested in his feet and face, and she loved to touch his hair.

A little insight on this past month for the Rodriguez family:


Rach and I got to go and see our favorite musician Butch Walker in Grand Rapids. Our first time seeing Butch was last year @ the House of Blues in Cleveland OHIO. It was Rachels birthday gift to me. The sad thing is, we were taking pictures outside in line for a while, and no joke, our camera broke right when we walked in!! So all of our amazing memories from that show were just 3x5's in our mind.

This time around was a bit different. As a valentines day present for my wife, I purchased Butch tickets for a March show in GRap. I am always a bit nervous to do this kind of stuff on-line, but we knew that this tour he was playing smaller venues and it was for the wife, so i did. My daughter Sophia even dressed up for the show (but she didn't get to go)

Within a week A friend of mine whose name will be left unsaid to keep his identity safe (his name rhymes with Feenan) told me he couldn't get tickets, but I did. Which meant that I was one of the first 30 tickets to be purchased. THIS meant that I would get to MEET BUTCH and my wife and I would get to watch him warm up, and a meet and greet!!! what an honor. and soo..........

Preshow:Meeting the Artist:
Time to Rock:

The concert was amazing. It was alot of fun hanging out with my friends who were at the show also.


This month has also been a good month for MARVS car lot. We have been selling alot of cars, and I continue to learn more about the industry, and sales, and even meeting more and more people in the community.


This past month or so, my wife and I have been playing Dominoes on Fridays. After dinner either at my parents house or mine, Luis and Dawn, along with Rachel and I have found a new addiction. Mexican Train Dominoes. Seriously. If you havent played yet you need to come over to my house. I will teach you, and you will love it.

4. And now I leave you with these:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mustache March and New Wings for Old Things

Greetings Ladies and Gents.

Welcome to Mustache March. Where upper lips everywhere get a little warmer during this brisk Michigan weather. I hope you all (obviously men......) are going to participate. I would love to see some nice stache' pics at the end of this month.

My story Disciple Six is now taking on new life, thanks to Geoffrey Haney. My story arc for the series is going through a little bit of retooling, and some good writing is being added. All is the same though, so do not worry, Disciple Six is still the same beautiful story it has always been, just now told with a little bit more description.

While that is happening, an artist named Kevin who lives in Cali and I have been talking about him doing the art for the project. Things have been going very smooth in this process, but part of me also thinks I could find a great local artist (kendall/grand valley) who would be a short drive away. Do you know of anyone? hmm........

So with Geoff co-writing my creation, and Kevin possibly doing some sketches, hopefully shortly some of these things will be coming together nicely. (for the purpose of an image submission)

The stories and Characters that I have for D6 are going to be some of the most tragic and compelling ideas I have had.

Little Levi Drake will be with us soon. My wife is beyond sick of being prego. we just pray that he is healthy and born soon! we have about a month to go so it will be a little bit. Until then we shall paint rooms, and built play sets in the yard.

We also bought Sophia Grey a car bed. Man that thing is nice. And she can't fall out of it.

Ella is getting big. And really good at drawing (she gets that from my side)

Hopefully things warm up and everyone will come over for a grill out!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My takes on Baseball and Monopoly Money

Ok. It has been a little while. But these past few days have got me all hot and bothered and I need to do a little venting. so here you are, and here I am. Thanks for listening ahead of times, its days like this that I am glad you are here.

BASEBALL. steroids. Seems like hand and hand lately. In an attempt to help you understand how I feel about the whole situation as a whole, I will explain that I have two opinions. And there are two sides to every story.

I am not for the use of illegal substances. Obviously it is wrong. For the past handful of years I have found it to be comical how the excuse for using ILLEGAL substances within the laws of the U.S. have been "it wasn't Illegal in baseball....." lol. seriously? because it wasn't written in the baseball rules, that makes it ok. Did you know that the baseball games/teams and players are in the U.S.???

and then there is the other side of it. Lets say HGH is good for people. Doctors are already using it to help common people like you and me get stronger and/or healthier. (people like us who do NOT actually abuse our bodies with our occupation) Are you telling me that steroids like this should be DENIED to people, that their occupation is to ABUSE and use there own body to the highest performance possible.

seems sort of backwards. ex:

well Jon, what do you do? ohhh you sell glasses to people. oh ok. and a bit of indoor men's volleyball. ok. well, we are going to get you on this steroid, and hopefully it will help get those knees back into good working form. remember to wear those knee pads.

well Jon, what do you do? ohhh you play a professional sport? oh wow thats cool. you work out, and train, and give 100% every time out on the floor, leaving everything. and training your body to work in PEAK physical ability? well, we do have some steroids that could help you (ALOT) but we really shouldn't be giving you this stuff. cause well, your body needs to fix it self without these medical discoveries. It compromises the game. I know I know, we give this stuff to everyone who isn't an athlete, but. we want our sports to be "pure".

I know I am being very general. I am talking about HGH and things of that nature more than I am talking about steroids to a certain degree.

now on to the game of life.

Can we make things simple. For one second. So you are telling me that we (as a country) are going to MAKE more money (that doesn't come from anywhere) and we are going to give it to everyone hoping that life gets better?


My personal statement is: We are too weak of a country to admit that we are wrong, and we are going to make life very hard for our future generations, instead of us just dealing with the problems right now.

It is the cycle of LIFE.

if it is broken. it needs fixing.

not a band aid. fixing.

Personally I think a fall flat on our faces would do this country some damn good.
people would stop complaining about gays, churches, and politics.

they would be united in ONE crisis. MONEY.

not pretend money.

real money.

Guess what is going to happen. Guaranteed. People will get checks. and they will do what they did before. they will pay off debt. they will help themselves.

that is not helping the economy.

that is giving a get out of jail free card.

its a big difference.

again. I am all for helping people. But to literally say, "I am going to help the CURRENT American people, and in 10-15 when I am not president and stuff goes wrong, I wont be here."

I care about my grand kids. they are not here yet.

I would much rather live a shitty life. a life of hard times than them.

that is what I want.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Most of you know that I am very artistic, and am torn between staying ink-free, and getting tattoos. lots of them.

I finally got one. a while ago. All because of something that happened to me.

lets relive that moment by sharing a myspace blog from 2 years ago.


piano for me.

A staff member that owned a keyboard let us know one day that the chord was broken. and we could no longer practice on it. focusing on piano and music this 3 months before heading to africa i was saddened by this.... fast forward to later that afternoon, when i was reading the book "is that really you God" by loren cunningham, founder of YWAM. and i stopped and thought, lets pray for it. there were three other people in the room, amy and matt, who also are in the piano track, and stephanie. they agreed with an ok, and we began to pray, just asking that God would put the thoughts of donating a piano, or maybe let us know where we could find one to practice on.. those kinds of soon as we were done, matt continued to look online for free pianos and we all continued with our day, for about a minute. and i thought...... NO God. with in a minute of praying God told me to go walk. (keep in mind i have crutches for my ankle :( ) No God... i dont want to do that i thought. and stephanie said what are you thinking. "god just told me to go walk, and go door to door looking for a piano."God has told me to walk before, but i have never listened.."go" she said. NO i replied. thats i opened up my bible to look for verses on needs, because we felt like we needed this piano. i went to the concordance and the word OBEY jumped out at me......DANG IT. he wants me to go."i have to go" i said to the three of them.stephanie came with we walked down the block i had no idea what i was doing. it felt like the stupidest thing in the world...that house? she said.No. i replied......and then we looked across the road at a house with a guy in the window.lets go talk to him. she said.OK. i just felt more comfortable acually knowing someone was was our first we walked up, the man, who's name was Tidy came out, walking toward his truckthis is when it got uncomfortable.literally stumbling over words i crutch up saying.excuse me sir. hi, how are you.... i was just wondering, if you know of some where i could get a piano/?? or if someone wanted to donate one for us to practice on. and a bit about what we were doing.the first words he said were "why did you guys come so late!"lol.steph and i looked at each other. and tidy grabbed his phone to make some calls, he explained that he is a painter, and he was painting a house back in november, and an old lady kept telling him to "take this paino, take it out, i dont want it anymore."but he never took it cause he had no use for it, "what do i want a paino for, he said.this guy was calling friends, and even the operator trying to find this ladys number. steph looked at me and said, you know what, even if this doesnt work out, we still met this really nice guy, and hes doing this for us. its a great experience. yeah, i thought. i did listen to god. this is really nice........and then, all of a sudden while he was still calling people a moving truck pulled up to the house next door. and it had a HUGE PICTURE OF A PIANO on the side.......i looked at steph, and laughed. i was listening to god. he had let me know that. the men simply got out of the truck, smiled, went into the house, came out 30 seconds later, smiled, and left. the only thing they did was check, the entry on how they were going to get something those guys, that day, decided just to stop, check on something and then leave?i dont know of to many movers who stop and check out things. it was odd. but, i am thankful that the day they decided to, i decided to listen to God.Tidy would get back to us. and i crutched home with a 2 we learned about tidys life, family and some struggles. and asked if we could pray for him at 3 we brought him leftover enchaladas and he have us the number to alice morgan.we visited alice the next day.and brought a piano home the next.there is more story, but. i just wanted to let you know. that listening to Gods voice is something i am learning more about. and i am thankful for that.if you have any questions or comments, let me know.just a little story. :) that happened to me..and i have a piano now.

Cool huh.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Sanding Floors and Opening Doors

This past Saturday I spent most of the day sanding a wood floor in my newly purchased home. It did take a long time, all I had was a hand sander, and a quart of stain. Well, several hours later, and some creative thinking by myself, we have a beautiful stylish floor (still in need of 2 finishing coats)

I am looking forward to all kinds of small projects like this around the house that put our little finger print on it. Truly making it our "home"

Geoff told me yesterday that he went to see the movie "inkheart" and said it was great. He also said that there are some similarities with this story, and the one that we have written in Fantasy ideas are like that I think. I believe most ideas have been written, but I also believe that how you tell a story, what the characters are like, and what kind of plot/motives/"little things" that are also in it that make it truly original. Hopefully that is what we have done.

(Side note: unlike the mixed reviews it got, "City of Ember" rated PG, was an AMAZINGLY creative movie, and i really enjoyed everything about it. Sheck it out!!!!)

New ideas like writing a book about my father have started to invade my mind. I think that a book about him growing up, along with his parents and their story would be really really cool. (this idea will definitely be expanded on later)

I have so much going on in my mind its really hard to describe, or put down on keyboard. ;)
My family is wonderful as always. Homelife is great.

I am a fan of:
bacon on pizza
kurt warner
honda elements
sophia grey
butch walker (3/7/9)
wood floors
funny internet clips
jim rome

I am not a fan of:
eli manning
this weather
people who think Obama represents them,
when Obama does not have anything in common with them at all

Friday, January 16, 2009

putting aside time forgot / forgod

Why are we so "caught up"?

For me, it almost always feels like there are not enough hours in the day for me to even live. On a day like today, the sun is shinning bright, and the snow is beautiful, I wish I could pull my girls around in a sled, take them to the park, and then home for hot chocolate. But here I am working. It puzzles me.
We work hard, to provide right? People work harder, and more, because of cost of living. House, car, phone, internet, cell phone, insurance, cable, food, clothes, toys..... the list goes on and on. Did we do this to ourselves? All I wish for is more time with my family. I have a blessed life, but I sometimes question my motives for things.
If I was to work part time at Target. Rachel work part time at JC, and we completely CRUSH our cost of living. Eff the cell phones, eff the internet (which I am on ;) eff cable, eff 2 cars, eff toys and clothes (only from goodwill), Guess what I just did. I just started living a "slower" life, a life with time for family, and God. I have killed my consumming addiction, and I have TIME. Time should not be wasted. We WASTE so much time on things that don't matter. I have to admitt, I love watching the NBA and I haven't in almost a month. Its KILLING me. but does it matter? I tell you one thing, I have spent more time dancing with my daughters, and more time sitting at the table talking to my wife this past month than I really did before. And thats what I like. Its so hard to try and be a hippy in a country like ours.

What matters to you? LIVE that. I have a motto that I have always wanted to live by, and now, realizing these past few years I have been able to. "Live a life worth writing down. Live a life worth reading to your children....."

I am by no way saying quite your job! eff america!!!

I am just saying that when walking daily with God, I feel like my eyes see more. I feel like my eyes have more of a "birds eye view" on things.

Do you believe in God? Really? Like really really believe in the Bible? what it says???? Then what the HECK are we doing? If you really believe that the Bible is historically acurate, and that revelations is an "idea" of what is to come in the end of times.... THAT means that we, us, NOW, is a part of that. we are a little sliver of time in the Bible. All the heroes, and Gods people in there.... man they lived crazy cool lives. I want that.

soooo.... now that I am done with my ramble, I will leave on this note:

I know I should make more time for God.

I want to be a Bible character.

I pray for good time management.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Season of Old Things

I remember a time where I had a good "image" of who I wanted to be as I got older. Everyone wants to be cool, or smart, or good looking.... But I remember having an image of myself in middle school of who I wanted to become when I was a man. I don't know what other way to describe it, only by saying if I was to make every right decision in my life thats how it would have turned out. Well. I have been thinking about that lately. About the man I have become. I have to fully admitt that there were a couple years there that not only am I not proud of myself. But I can actually remember thinking the words "what happened to that little boy, with all the promise in the world, to create, serve God firstmost, and live a crazy life books are written about...."

Well. God has completely taken over my life, in a good way. As much as sometimes I wish I did something different, or chose a different lifestyle, or occupation. I fully realize, and understand that God has the best things for me, and to trust that. Now I reflect on my life. I have a beautiful wife, two wonderful daughters, a boy on the way. Lets not forget Lennon. A new house. A creative partner that drives me, and we work great together. THe list goes on and on.

All because of God. He has given me so much. I look at my life now, and I think "I still have plenty of time to prove to middle school me, 'don't worry little mattybones, you are not going to be dissapointed with your life, you will create, serve God, and live a crazy cool life....'" I mean, look what I have done in 3 years time:

Lived in California
Lived in Africa
Lived in Michigan
Made a Baby ;)
Got Married to a Model
Bought a House
Wrote a Book with a great friend
Sell Cars!
Worked at Blockbuster

I mean, seriously?!?! Thats all me. Let me correct that. That's all God. all because of him. I have been blessed greatly.

So I would like to dedicate this new year, the year of 2009 to "Old Things." To become the man that little me would be sooooo proud to become. There is still a chance for all of us.

2009. A Year of Passion.

Thanks all. Just to let you know also, new posts of characters, ideas and many more thoughts. All coming from MARS soon.